Dutch glamour model Rebecca Loos is back in the limelight this time rating English footballer David Beckham as being an eight or eight and a half out of ten in bed.Loos had claimed to having had an affair with Beckham in 2004, almost wrecking his marriage to Victoria with her revelations.She has now come out with the ace footballers performance in bed.Yeah, he was good. He looks like hed be good. You can usually tell, the Sun quoted her as telling Zoo magazine.Asked how she would rate the midfielders performance in bed, out of ten, Loos said: Eight, eight and a half. And very confident. Its nice when a man is confident in the bedroom.She also revealed her rating of Posh, 34, who she finds to be the worlds least attractive woman.We both know what Im thinking! But Ill just stir it up Ill just say anyone whos skeleton thin and plastic looking, she stated.
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