Salman-Katrina sex video ruckus

Flynn Remedios of Futuristic Media Network informs us: A poorly made hardcore home sex video, using look-alike actors pretending to look like or dressed and disguised like and using wigs, outfits and makeup to resemble Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif has apparently surfaced in Canada, say sources. This hardcore sex video is not to be confused with the several comic clips on Salman and Katrina already in existence on YouTube.
An MMS clip from the same fake Salman Khan-Katrina Kaif video also seems to be in circulation and apparently is the talk of the town among high school and college-going kids who have helped spread the fake amateur porn video. According to a source in Canada, it is obvious to any viewer that the video is a fake and the actors are either body doubles or have used make up techniques to resemble Salman and his girlfriend.

Many say that such fraudulent sex videos using body doubles have been in existence and are not an uncommon thing in the underground porn clubs in the west. Apparently, many Hollywood actors have such amateur fake and fraudulent videos in circulation made by body doubles to encash on the popularity of the actors.
Question: What steps can actors take to put an end to such fake sex videos? Or should they simply ignore it under the pretext of 'part and parcel of showbiz'? Leave your comments below...

Question: What steps can actors can take to put an end to such fake sex videos? Or should they simply ignore it under the pretext of 'part and parcel of showbiz'? Leave your comments...

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