Impressively, the star stuck with Remember Me even after his post-Twilight celebrity soared. Unfortunately, the film's alienated rich kid is perilously close, in intense disgruntlement and plasma-deficient pallor, to that of alienated vampire Edward Cullen. And the overheated woes dreamed up by first-time screenwriter Will Fetters, directed by HBO veteran Allen Coulter, don't allow the actor room to demonstrate much range as Tyler slouches around on a diet of cigarettes and beer. (He shares a ratty hipster apartment with Tate Ellington as a clownish roommate better suited to cohabitation with the dudes from Knocked Up.)
Tyler and Ally each carry scars from family tragedies in their past. But the script offers no tolerable explanation as to why, for instance, Tyler's business-mogul father (Pierce Brosnan, sharp in a business suit) is such a cold SOB. Why Tyler's kid sister (nicely serious young Ruby Jerins) is bullied by the mean girls at her school. Why Ally's policeman dad (the great Chris Cooper, outwitted) behaves so inconsistently. Or why Remember Me goes where it goes with such staggeringly misplaced self-seriousness — a movie with all the hyperventilating hysteria of a 1960s teen-tragedy pop song and all the disposability, too.
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