He said: "You've got to look after the birds and the bees, man.
"The bees are vanishing. We've got to save them before they all buzz off. It's important. It's a really worthwhile cause. Without them we're in proper bother. If it weren't for honey, I'd have a rough voice."
Campaigners have welcomed Liam's stance and are delighted to have him speaking about the plight of UK honeybees, which saw one fifth of their hives vanish last winter.
A spokesperson for the Co-operative - who are backing new movie 'Vanishing of the Bees', which warns of the danger of the insects becoming extinct - said: "We're thrilled Liam recognises the urgency for action."
Liam - whose band was forced to pull out of this year's V festival because he was suffering from a throat infection - has previously spoken of how helpful he finds honey in protecting his voice, even though he dislikes the taste.
He said: "I'm much more worried about my voice. For years I never warmed up before a concert. I'd just stand around smoking and stuff.
"But people spend lots of money to see us and I respect that. I don't want to go on stage sounding like an idiot. Now I drink herbal drinks and s**t. And honey. I f***ing hate it though."
The future of Oasis is currently in doubt after Liam's brother and bandmate Noel Gallagher quit the legendary band following a fight between the rock 'n' roll siblings before a Paris concert in August.