The Daily Mail reports that the 46-year-old Michael took a breathalyser test following an accident in which he crashed his range rover "into the back of an articulated lorry" -- a truck, if you aren't up to date on your British slang.
Laurie Rowe, the owner of said smashed-into truck, says that Michael "seemed completely disorientated, like he had no idea what was going on. He looked totally dazed and even tried to climb into the cab of my lorry. He kept saying he was worried he would go to jail."
Rowe said the impact was so violent and Michael hit them so hard that he "didn't think he [Michael] would have survived."
Despite the arrest, Michael was released by police after five hours and was not charged.
Michael's license was suspended following a 2006 arrest, where police found him slumped over the wheel of his Mercedes.